The Death Of The Sob Story
Because it's felt like a sob story.
Telling it made me uncomfortable.
Why? Because I didn't want people's sympathy, and I certainly didn't want to make people feel uncomfortable.
Yes, it is true that I used to play victim to my story and my circumstances. I used to want people's sympathy. I wanted people to make excuses for me because of my circumstances. I wanted people to feel sorry for me. I wanted to use my circumstances as an excuse for not being the person I wanted to be, and for not taking action. I used my story to hide.
That was before inner work, when my story was my sob story. Now my story is a story of triumph and transformation. It is a story of how I turned circumstances that I would not wish on my worst enemy, into the best thing that ever happened to me.
It's the story of how by the age of 35, I had lost two immediate family members. The sudden and tragic loss of my sister who died from suicide, and the long drawn out decline of my Dad with dementia until a brain tumor finally took him from us. It's the story of how, through loss I found myself and transformed my life. It's the story of how I learnt that their was only one guarantee in life and its that we are all going to die. It's the story of how I learnt to live now.
And now, I share my story not for your sympathy but to show you it's possible to transform your sob story into your triumph story. Is it time to re-write your story?